Which one you like? old vs new……Glad I captured the old look last year in it’s brink of change.…
Posted on March 23, 2017
Laying road was used to be a very long and tedious process in the past….now it has become much faster than I expected, still the smell of tar gives me…
Posted on December 30, 2016
Automated signalling man has been in operation since a few weeks in the nearby the construction site. The robot is dressed up quite convincingly to look like a traffic controller,…
Posted on November 8, 2016
Here’s a detail from a sketch (in progress) I did yesterday…..among the two traffic cones, one has a change in tone from light into shadow (showing convincing turning of form)…
Posted on November 3, 2016
View from my Kitchen window. I’ve done the same view before in charcoal, details in the link below: http://myartsandcreatives.blogspot.sg/2015/05/urban-sketchers-singapore-volume-2.html Reason for sketching this again in Gouache is, the construction materials…
Posted on August 31, 2016
It was very interesting to sketch this unused door in the material storage place…but my motto was to show convincing light and shadow across the patch of grass.As often said,…
Posted on May 10, 2016
I’m not a fan of the much commercialized celebration of “Days” like teacher’s day, mother’s day etc., instead I wud advise my students to make handmade cards or gifts if…
Posted on May 9, 2016
Official sketchwalk for April was held at Bukit Pasoh yesterday in conjunction with Singapore Heritage festival organised by National heritage board and National Museum. Lovely architecture along the street with bright…
Posted on May 1, 2016
Tried to capture the dappled light on the shed, however could have used saturated color in there. I used a limited palette of Cad yellow, cad Red and Prussian blue……always…
Posted on April 28, 2016
A typical void deck in Singapore apartments, an open space in ground floor with benches, bicycle parking racks and tables, some apartments even have small shops. This is the front…
Posted on April 21, 2016
Houses near Gerald Drive have wonderful backgardens facing the little canal that extends from the Sengkang waterway, these are just on the opposite side of kampong Buangkok…..completed today (2 sessions…
Posted on March 9, 2016
Houses near Gerald Drive have wonderful backgardens facing the little canal that extends from the Sengkang waterway, these are just on the opposite side of kampong Buangkok…..here is one I…
Posted on February 17, 2016
Sengkang Hockey stadium is a part of Sengkang Sports and Recreation Centre, two important events have been held here in the past few years – Hockey tournament of 2010 Youth…
Posted on January 14, 2016