Reflecting back!

Reflecting back on the sketching trip and I have lots going in my mind. A big thank you for the organisers of Asia-link Sketchwalk, USKSG family n my family 
I always hoped to attend these events and finally made it this time. I’m glad that I manged on my own throughout (my family joined me later, they had their own plans and let me have my time to attend the happenings). Usually I would like to keep things to myself , but this time I pulled myself out of my circle and made many new friends. Realised that I couldn’t sketch away just like I would do in Singapore or India and I needed time to settle down, but did fairly well in sketching, I hope. Need to rethink about keeping the tools light and quick sketching ways!!
In total, I came out of my comfort zone in little good ways, already am looking forward for the next sketching event!!

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